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Let's Join Civitias Akademika Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

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Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta has 4 Faculties and houses 26 Study Programs


In 2043, the Mathematics Education Study Program will become a center for the study of 21st century skills.


  1. Organizing quality education to produce graduates who have 21st century skills.
  2. Optimizing foreign resources to support Mathematics Education research activities based on 21st century skills.
  3. Organizing community service activities in the field of Mathematics Education to optimize 21st century skills based on appropriate technology.


  1. Producing graduates who have 21st century skills in the application of Mathematics learning.
  2. Producing research and research outputs in the field of Mathematics Education with national and international standards.
  3. Applying the results of research and discoveries in the field of Mathematics Education for the welfare of society, nation and state.